~ Leap Of Faith ~

The Collins Family

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sizzlin Summer

Barbecues, popsicles, dancing fireflies, ponytails, deck parties, staying up extra late, lemonade, water activities, salt rimmed drinks and baking hot cars remind me of summer. It's official, summer is here! The past few days have been hot and glowing. Our Day Lily's and Hastas are in full bloom, but then again so are all the weeds that we have neglected to pull in our flower beds the past few weeks.

Today the girls enjoyed the afternoon playing on the Slip-n-Slide. Jaidyn watched the Olympic gymnastic trials on TV the other day so she was taking a good run at the slide kind of like the gymnasts do before vaulting. She is fearless. She would lay on the slide and then let Wes give her a hard push flinging her in to the water at the end. He almost looked like he was bowling. Addy watched and would cheer for Jaidyn and clap for her but wouldn't let Wes touch her (smart girl in my opinion). She wasn't all that excited about the bowling action and took it easy just dipping her feet in the water.



Nothing better than popsicles on a sizzlin summer day. With grass clippings sticking to their wet bodies and popsicle juice dripping down their faces and covering their hands, baths immediately followed.


Renee and Brian said...

Isn't summer great!! I especially love the barbeques. I love the pictures of the kids on the slip and slide. I always wanted one as a kid but mom never agreed. It just looks like so much fun!

Unknown said...

Hey Jenny! I left an answer to your Camp question back at the post you left it on (does that make sense?) For some reason when I tried to email you it kept bouncing back!